Friday, February 15, 2008

On a plane to Japan, and this is what i think about?

Before you read, just remember, you might be better off doing anything else than read this. It is a total waste of time

Something from my journal on the way to Japan with Molly 11/17/07;

Here i am, on a plane to Japan, listening to Vince Neil sing about how the road is hard and he wants to go home. so many things should be running through my head about what Japan is going to be like, how do i order a beer, what is up with the "hole in the ground toilet." You can't make words up in Japanese and expect them to know what you're saying like when you are in Mexico. "El Beero por favor." (Side note: if you have been to mexico or are spanish, by my last statement, you can tell that i have never been to Mexico. I'm sure that if you are in a bar, they will assume you want a beer. If you are on the street "El Beero," probably won't get you a beer. End side note.) So as i listen to my Ipod, my attention is not on Japan at the moment. My attention is on wondering how can these rock stars sing such sissy songs and yet are supposed to be such bad asses. You have to admitt though, they have always been a little suspect. They look like half the women they sleep with.

Let's be completeley honest here, whatever they did to get the chicks, it worked. Money, fame, and women, is it possible the "Power Ballad" was just another facet for each group to appeal to the girls who were on the fence about, "who is better, Vince Neil, Brett Michaels or Sebastian Bach?" Or did these long haired rockers actually have something to say?

My Theory is, at least in the instance of these three frontmen, the most famous power ballads from Moetly Crue, Poison and Skidd Row, are about the termoils of being on the road. They have got to be thinking to themselves, life is hard on the road for months on end so lets write a song about it, and you know what? Chicks dig sensativity, we will get chicks. My hypothesis to the aforementioned theory is......both. They have something to say AND they say it to get chicks. Freakin' Genius.

Waste of time wasn't it? I warned you....

1 comment:

Jessika said...

First of all, YOU'RE SO FUNNY.
2ndly, how far through your flight were you when you started up the Hard Rock Power Ballads of the 80's cd?

I am glad that you weren't worried about Japan the whole flight, and (deep breath) you will soon know if you can say el beero and get a beer in Mexico (I am pretty sure it will work, but you could just go for a cerveza (sp?).

On that note, we were watching "True Romance" the other day, and there is that big gun fight at the end between the Sicilian mafia and the DEA. It is so funny because there is a moment where Tom Sizemore is telling one of the Siccilians to put down their guns saying something like "put downo your gunso" in an American Italian is really funny.

Do all fake-existing languages end in "-o"?