Monday, November 14, 2011

A running commentary of my first Jumpercise.

An inner dialogue of my first jumpercise (that's what i am calling it anyway.) Mind you i have to do this outside because my ceiling in the garage is too low.

OK, Danny boy, LET'S DO THIS AAAAAHHHHH! 9:31 am

*Jump* 1 *Jump* 2 *Jum...shit*. *Jump* 1 *Jum...SHIT!*. *Jump* 1 *Jump* 2 *Jump* 3 here we go, good rythm, good speed, *WHACK (Rope hit the gutter)*. *Jump*Jump*Jump* there it is, feeling a little tight in the calves but no biggy, it'll go away. *Jump*Jump* Crap i am tired....*Jump*Jump (THWACK, right on the end of my toe)* DAMN IT!. well, i think that will be good for now. Got a good sweat going, feel a little burn, not including my broken toe. Can't breathe, all signs of a good work out. Time? 9:32:12 am.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Seal is at it again, only this time.....

Unlike some people these days that like to follow the latest diet and exercise trend, i like to make up my own. The main reason is i don't want to modify my diet, like, at all. I was forced to give up my seal ranking at the pool because of a somewhat inconsiderate boss at a company i no longer work for decided to join the Y and go at the same time i had been going for many months. Anyhoo, bitterness aside, the seal will no be jumping rope at home.

I came to the realization that jumping rope is not only kinda fun but inexpensive and gets me wicked tired every time i do it (which is very rare). I recall my days in gym class as a 5th grader enjoying the "Jump Rope for Heart" contests they had. I do realize that when i begin this new workout, I will be reminded of the fact that I am 31 years old and things that used to be easy are really very difficult and makes me wonder it our athletic peak is around age 12 not 25. I used to be good at hula-hoops, rope climbing, chin ups, monkey bars and chasing girls at recess for the soul purpose of putting them under the "kissing machine" (an A/C unit that hung on the wall of the Special Education shack). I can't Hula-hoop, climb a rope, do more than 2 pull ups, the monkey bars, chase girls, or believe that the special education kids were literally in a SHACK detached from the actual school in the back corner of the playground!

I digress. This jump roping should be exciting.

p.s. totally unrealted but did you know you can do your math with google? i just did a little math for work and needed some square roots. so i typed "square root of 1152" and it gave me the answer. man i wish i had google in middle school.