Friday, February 22, 2008

The Email

I had to include this exchange of emails that my friend Kyle and I had on one, obviously :), productive day at work.

Danny to Kyle:

have you heard of a guy named kenny wayne sheppard? i'm sure that you have, do you know that he ripped off yellow ledbetter? it's called while we cry, it's pretty good though. i feel like i have mentioned this to you before, if not :) if so, you can go suck a lemon.


Kyle's response:

My mouth is currently agape, stuffed to capacity with a particular citrus; colored not unlike said ripped-off ledbetter. Coincidently, I am crying. Your feeling of de ja vu is not unfounded.

Danny's response:

Bravo good sir, bravo, upon reciept of you electronic mail message, that i most propmtly translated with my optical and neurological receptors, i was, to put it bluntly, stumped. your literary and phonetical prowess is far beyond my own, for your message left me with nothing short of egg on my face. i requested the assitance of my fellow white collar compatriots to help decipher said message. upon doing so, i realized that i had written a particular sentance that held the key to your delightfully composed message, (now clearly meaning, you already told me dirt bag) the key being of course a lemon. you can imagine my consternation once i realized this and would have to explain it to said co-workers. again, bravo mr. serrano, bravo.

Kyle's response:

I like to speak in riddle. It's neat and it takes up company resources. I am under no illusion that you used an online thesaurus to come up with the word "consternation". I am impressed no less at your effort.

Danny's response:

actually i got it from a friends episode. i did check the thesaurus in word to find out what it was used for :). i must say that your message was impressive. it's fun talkin' all smart like and stuff ain't it.

Good stuff

1 comment:

Jessika said...

That made me laugh. :D