Tuesday, February 24, 2009


i think i have a problem, i can't stop buying music. i haven't bought anything new since the Franz Ferdinand one, but i have been having a difficult time not buying more. i have decided to take a step back from buying new music, and evalute the music that i have on my Itunes at work.

you know how you can rate each individual song with a 1 to 5 star rating? well i have decided to listen to my Itunes on random and rate the songs individually. what i plan on doing is coming up with a list of the best albums that i own based on those ratings. this is how it will work:

1) rate all the songs 1 through 5. (since i tend to be generous, 3 will be a good song that i will listen to when i am in the mood , 4 will be a great song that i will listen to 75% of the time altogether (mood or no mood) and 5 stars, excellent song that i cannot get myself to skip even when it was not the song i was expecting to hear.)

2) after all is rated i will come up with an average star rating (ASR) for the album.

3) list that on here. (maybe even facebook)

i don't think i needed to list out the steps, but hey, it makes it feel official. now this is only to decided which album is the best that i have on my computer (at work). this list will not tell you which is my favorite band ( this is mostly a disclaimer to myself because i know that some bands will not score as well (ACDC) even though they are one of my favorite. the reason they will not score as well is because Bon Scott is the man and i only have one of his, and i don't have Back In Black as a whole.) however, i fully expect my favorite bands to be somewhere at the top.

so, this may take a while but i look forward to posting the results. ( i am very interested myself........that should go without saying, otherwise i wouldn't do it :) )


Ms. Molly said...

I like the idea. Music to keep you entertained but without buying anything :)

Jessika said...

that is a good idea for someone who buys music. My MP3 player pisses me off...I have over 700 songs on it and it still thinks I need to listen to the same 30 all the time. When I plug it into the computer I am amazed at what I actully have on there. I don't know what my player has against the other 600 songs.
What will you rate 2 and 1? or will you just delete those all together?

Mr. S said...

well, so far there are very few 2 and 1 star. usually i "uncheck" them so i don't have to hear it. i do have a couple albums that don't need to be listened too :). it's taking a lot longer than i thought it would.....